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Inventory Codes

Space Inventory

The THECB [Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board] implemented a coding structure for space inventory to provide a uniform physical facilities coding system used by all higher education institutions for data included in a building and room inventory. It makes sure everyone is on the same page and uses the same standards.

The following data is collected and classified using the framework that the THECB [Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board] has established:

  • How a room is used (office, classroom, etc…)
  • Function(s) performed by the space (instruction, research, etc…)
  • Classification of instructional program (area of study conducted in the space)
  • Room square footage
  • Seat capacity in certain rooms
  • Departments using the space
  • Building condition and type

The codes used to report this data are identified and defined in the THECB [Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board] Reporting Manual and Appendices.