From left: Victor Cabrera and John Appenroth from Custodial & Recycling
Earth Week 2023 in The University of Texas at Dallas received plenty of support from Facilities Management’s custodial and grounds teams.
From left: Victor Cabrera and John Appenroth from Custodial & Recycling
During this year’s Earth Week, the Custodial & Recycling team helped with Mount Trashmore, a graphic demonstration of all the trash and recycling that our campus produces. Coordinated the display were Victor Cabrera and John Appenroth. Mount Trashmore educates our students on the importance of waste reduction and the various recycling programs at UT Dallas.
Craig Lewis from Landscaping & Grounds
Craig Lewis led the Pollinator Project during Earth Week, guiding a group of student volunteers who planted milkweed in the Monarch Waystation on the southeast side of campus. He had prepared the ground in advance, and during the planting, Lewis educating the volunteers on the importance of pollinating insects, maintaining pollinator-friendly plants and the best practices for supporting pollinators.
The mission of Facilities Management is to provide an environment conducive to the academic processes of teaching and research for the day-to-day activities of faculty, staff, and students.