UTD Facilities Management is making accommodations and changes throughout campus to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, SARS-CoV-2:
· Departmental Supply Distribution · Sanitization · Building Safety ·
Please follow the UT Dallas COVID-19 website for the latest campus updates.
Departmental Supply Distribution
- Each major department has been assigned a representative based on its mail stop. In an effort to avoid duplication and efficiently deliver these limited supplies, we ask that only the authorized departmental representative (PDF [Portable Document Format File] ) submit one comprehensive request for each mail stop on behalf of the department AFTER the department has received authorization to return to campus by its Vice President.
- Each department should complete our webform to request available supplies that can assist with your social distancing and cleaning efforts.
- Please complete the webform above at least one week before your department’s planned return date. The authorized representative will be able to pick up the supplies at Construction Maintenance Building 1, just north of the Facilities Management Building, anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday.
- If you have any questions, feel free to contact Facilities Management at 972.883.2177 / ppworkrequest@utdallas.edu.
- Facilities Management staff members are conducting thorough deep cleanings throughout all open areas of campus, paying special attention to high-traffic areas such as the McDermott Library, classrooms, restrooms, hallways, as well as Dining Hall West and the Food Court and Comet Café areas in the Student Union. Cleaning efforts include disinfecting and sanitizing all open surface tables and countertops, doorknobs, push plates and other high-touch objects, as well as using electrostatic cleaners that provide aerosol sanitation.
- Non-personal spaces will be sanitized, such as touch points, horizontal surface areas and other non-personal spaces.
- Personal spaces such as desks will not be sanitized by Facilities Management staff, and are the responsibility of the occupant of the space.
- Departments will receive supplies to disinfect commonly used surfaces when picking up supplies at Construction Maintenance Building 1.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers will be available in high-traffic areas.
Building Safety

- Classroom configurations are modified to comply with 6-foot social distancing guidelines.
- Markings designate where students should sit to adhere to social distancing. Seating where students should not sit is covered.
- Floor markings for lecturers to delineate social distancing instruction area.
- Social distancing diagrams are posted at classroom entryways and at lecterns.
- The occupancies of some spaces not currently used for instruction are being determined to see if they are able to accommodate a limited number of larger enrollment courses (e.g., ATC Lecture Hall, Davidson Auditorium, Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center Ball Rooms, Galaxy Rooms, JSOM Executive Dining Room, Testing Center, TI Auditorium, etc.).
- See info above for sanitization practices.
Public Areas
- Signage in common areas where lines form are designed to reinforce social distancing practices and encourage mask wearing.
- Signage is posted throughout high-traffic public areas to encourage social distancing and mask wearing.
- Signage is posted on doors and entryways of all buildings to encourage social distancing and mask wearing. A-frame signage is displayed in public areas.
- Social distancing and mask wearing is encouraged at every opportunity campus-wide.
- Plexiglass has been installed at customer service interfaces to protect staff and patrons.
- Plexiglass is being installed designated in high-need areas.
- Heating ventilation and AC systems are being sanitized.
- A pilot project utilizing UV lighting to disinfect is initiated in some buildings across campus.
- Elevator occupancy signage encouraging minimal occupancy and social distancing.
- See info above about sanitization practices.