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Secured Shred Service

UT Dallas utilizes a secured shredding service to dispose of large quantities of University records. State records can only be placed in the secured shredding bins if they have reached retention and their destruction has been approved by Records Management.

Who Can Participate in Shred Services?

All University departments can participate in secured shredding services. Please contact if you are interested in participating.

Note: Our shred bins are intended for state records listed on the UT Dallas Records Retention Schedule and secured due to the sensitive nature of the documents placed in them. Please place any non-state records in a campus recycling bin.

Emptying Shred Bins

Our shred services are provided by Corporate Records Management and occur monthly (dates vary by campus). During this time, a secured shredding truck comes to campus and destroys the records on-site. Destroyed records are recycled by Pioneer Industries International.

Secured Shredding Schedule


Main Campus
The 4th Friday of every month.


Center for Vital Longevity & Center for BrainHealth
Every 4 weeks on a Tuesday.


Bin Types

Departments have the option to choose between two types of shred bins– permanent or temporary.

  • Permanent bins belong to the department and will remain in a designated bin area.
  • Temporary bins belong to Facilities Management and are assigned to departments to fill within a set time period. We carry a limited amount of temporary bins, so requests are served on a first come, first served basis.

Bin Sizes

We offer departments a choice between three different sized shred bins:

  • Executive Console (available only for permanent use)
  • 67-gallon (available for both permanent and temporary uses)
  • 96-gallon (available for both permanent and temporary uses)